Drone Building Inspections

Buildings, Structures and Equipment

Inspecting hard to reach places

Roof top inspections

Better Safe than Sorry

Roof and Gutters

Drone inspections of roofs and gutters. From single story to high rise buildings. The sky is the limit.

Tower Inspections

Drone inspections of electrical towers, insulators, spreads, vibration dampeners and even the nuts and bolts. Identify and prevent.

Solar Panels

Drone inspections of solar panels on roofs and hard to reach locations. Using the latest infra-red technology to identify failure points.

Wind Turbines

Drone inspection and assessment of wind turbine farms. Blade, hub and anemometer inspection and fault idenitifcation.

Preventative Maintenance

Beyond the Visible

Drone inspection of all structures. Even in critical access environments, drone technology provides asset manager the data needed to make good decisions.

Safety First

Work, Health and Safety

Licenced pilots and qualified asset inspector delivering quality information for all stake holders – builders, engineers, assess owners, network operator and domestic house owners. Ready for every inspection.

Connect, Inspect & Protect

Unrestricted Airspace

Ready to fly anywhere and at anytime. Providing customer service solutions for the most challenging projects.

We strive to deliver

Service with no regrets