Defect Notices

Defect Rectification Support

Resolving Defects Fast

Ausgrid Defect Specialists

Helping Customers Find Solutions

Solutions Focused

Endevouring to provide our customers with the solutions they need to rectify their defects. Problem solving is our specialty.

Cost Effective

Always providing the best price and solution according to the customers needs. We understand that defects can add unexpected burdens to asset owners. We stand ready to help.

Start to Finish

Helping our customers reslove their defects from receiving the defect to Ausgrid closing out the defect. Customer service you can rely on.

Hundreds of electrical defect notices are issued each year by electrical supply authorities (network operators) such as Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy. A defect notice is issued due to safety and compliance issues for a customers electrical installation. The primary legislation that forms the basis for these defects is the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995, the Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2006 and the supply authority standards.

You are not Alone


Hundreds of electrical defect notices are issued each year by electrical supply authorities (network operators) such as Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy. A defect notice is issued due to safety and compliance issues for a customers electrical installation. The primary legislation that forms the basis for these defects is the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995, the Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2006 and the supply authority standards.


Asset Owners

As the owner of electrical assets the defect notice will be at times be issued to you or the electrical contractor. 

You may have the responsibility to organise for a qualified electrician or Authorised Service Provider (ASP) to carry out the repairs.

Helpful Defect


The defect will generally identify the defective or unsafe electrical assets and a time frame to have the repairs carried out. 

Once you organise for a qualified professional to rectify the defect, the network operator will generally come and reinspect the work. The defect can then be canceled.

We Have Great Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

We have had over 10 years experience in helping customers rectify their Ausgrid defects. We understand the the network operators defects which allows us to always provide the customer with the most cost effective solutions.

Some defect notices can read “timber pole has … and needs further inspection by a qualified person”. Who is a qualified person? To be able to inspect a power poles the customer needs a qualified pole inspector. A qualified pole inspector is not the same as an electrician or an ASP. A qualified pole inspector will has a current qualification such as UET20619 or UET20621. Then is the pole is serviceable, the pole inspector can write a report to submit to supply authority in your behalf to clear the defect.

Yes. The defect must be rectified to ensure your electrical installation is safe. If a defect is not fixed in a timely manner, the network operator (Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Esstential Energy) do have the legal power to disconnect your power. That is why it is important to quick engage a qualified professional to seek their assistance.

That’s a good question. It depends on what the defect is for. For example, it is for a suspect pole and you engage a qualified inspector and he deems the pole serviceable then the cost would be a quite small in compassion to a pole replacement. Please feel free to give our team a call and we can generally provide you with a rough estimate over the phone or a free detailed quotation.

Yes. We are an authorised service provider level 2 – ASP2, pole inspectors, electricians and linesmen. We have the skills you need to help rectify any defect you are issued.

Our Asset Inspection team will always issue you with a comprehensive pole inspection report. If the pole is deemed serviceable then the report can be sent directly to or by calling 13 13 65. There after Ausgrid can choose to close out the defect notice.

We strive to deliver

Service with no regrets